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post-meet training
(Read 35539 times)
Brent Kim
United States United States Male 13 posts
« on: February 15, 2007, 07:00:11 am »

what's everyone's training like the week after a meet? anyone taking their training in a new direction? i took a couple days off and am returning to hard training tomorrow ... not ME stuff, just putting in some hard work, squat a couple sets of 10 and some complexes
Måns Rinne
Staff  [Moderator, Finnish Translator]
Finland Finland Male 57 posts
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2007, 09:01:45 am »

I'm back to my old style, pumping away.

With an interesting twist, though. I can' t remember ever having done the whole body in a single workout, yet that's what I'm doing now. Very old-school...  Cheesy

So, for me: a radical break from powerlifting training. We'll see how this kind of training prepares me for the next meet...  Grin

Anything is possible, except maybe skiing through a revolving door.
Helgi Briem
Iceland Iceland Male 11 posts
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2007, 11:04:59 am »

I'm competing in a real (i.e. "in the flesh") meet on Feb 24th, so my participation in the virtual meet was part of my preparation. 

I've been lowering my reps and upping the weight for about 6 weeks now.  This is the last heavy week (thank god, I'm getting a little frazzled) and next week is very light, resting up before competing.

After the meet I'm doing something completely different for a while, maybe 2 months or so.  The details are not quite decided, but it'll be some sort of whole body routine with an emphasis on losing a little weight and building GPP. 
Kristoffer Lindqvist
Staff  [Project Manager, Developer, Moderator, Swedish Translator]
Finland Finland Male 1178 posts
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2007, 12:23:36 pm »

what's everyone's training like the week after a meet? anyone taking their training in a new direction?

I would probably do a few light bodybuilding style workouts the week after the meet, but this time around I am taking the whole week off as I need to heal up. In retrospect, I think I overdid my training slightly for this meet (high-volume dieting cycle and then a 9-week Russian peaking cycle) and am just happy not to have totally killed my aching hips and lower back on the platform last weekend. Live and learn.  Grin

I'm planning to hit the gym again on Sunday and begin the 12-week EliteFTS Beginners' Program, perhaps with a few modifications. Will at least be doing all the DE squat work with the SSB bar I bought a few weeks back and perhaps add some kettlebells. Westside should be a good break from all the percentage stuff I've been doing for almost a year. Anyone here doing any kettlebell work that you could recommend, btw? Am thinking mainly in terms of replacing some of the triceps, upper back and shoulder work with kettlebells.

I'm competing in a real (i.e. "in the flesh") meet on Feb 24th, so my participation in the virtual meet was part of my preparation.

I'll be very interested in seeing what kind of lifts you get in the real meet, not having to hurry through the whole thing in 45 minutes like you did for this virtual one. Good luck and keep us posted!  Cool

So, for me: a radical break from powerlifting training. We'll see how this kind of training prepares me for the next meet...  Grin

I'm curious to see how quickly you regain the muscle mass lost after switching from a bodybuilding oriented style to a 9-week powerlifting peaking cycle with no accessory work. From a meet standpoint, you did very well dropping some muscle while increasing your PRs 10-15kg on all lifts, but you do look a bit skinnier now. Won't be long until those biceps are again stretching your T-shirt to it's maximum.  Wink
Måns Rinne
Staff  [Moderator, Finnish Translator]
Finland Finland Male 57 posts
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2007, 06:47:44 pm »

It will indeed... My morning weight today was 89kgs!! Dammit. Should've been that low on friday the 9th... Shocked
It was around 94kgs 9 weeks ago. Lessee how fast I can get back up there.  Grin Eat large, lift heavyish... That's the ticket.

Anything is possible, except maybe skiing through a revolving door.
John McDonald
Registered member
United States United States Male 4 posts
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2007, 01:57:52 am »

Unfortunately, I missed the virtual meet this time around... but I'll post on this topic anyways.
Normally, after a Saturday meet, I will take off until Tuesday. On that day, I'll go for maxes in my accessory exercises (close grip bench, nosebreakers, seated press) to see how they correlate with my bench maximum.
That way, I will know that a 315 BP equals a 195 seated press and so on... and when it's time to test where I am in a cycle, I needn't always max on an actual lift but a conjugate.
Kristoffer Lindqvist
Staff  [Project Manager, Developer, Moderator, Swedish Translator]
Finland Finland Male 1178 posts
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2007, 06:12:33 am »

I'll go for maxes in my accessory exercises (close grip bench, nosebreakers, seated press) to see how they correlate with my bench maximum.

Extremely interesting! This should tell you a lot about weak points seeing how increases in accessory numbers affect the main lifts. I should really look into mapping out a few accessories a bit more regularly and your model sounds very intriguing. Might be time to dust off Poliquin's Achieving Structural Balance article as well.

John, good luck with your upcoming real meet!  Grin
Michael Amos
Staff  [Developer]
United States United States Male 34 posts
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2007, 05:24:40 pm »

Even though I didn't compete the meet effected my lifts too. I can't mess with my squat and deadlift too much right now as I have a strongman competition in  May that is my primary focus. I did read in the rules though about the Military Bench press. So I am trying to add that back in. I can bench my own bodyweight easy enough but for high reps, not a chance.
I haven't really benched in quite a while due to it causing shoulder pain. This has been a nicer way to train the bench. As long as I stay under 300lbs, I don't seem to have the pain. Now I just need to work the weight up to 5 X 5 bodyweight and beyond.
Måns Rinne
Staff  [Moderator, Finnish Translator]
Finland Finland Male 57 posts
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2007, 09:09:39 pm »

Beyond is definitely the right word to use...

The current Finnish Champion in the Military Bench Press (for reps) has something around 40reps on it, so...  Shocked
Okay, so he's light. But still, 40reps with bodyweight ain't shabby, no matter what you weigh.

Anything is possible, except maybe skiing through a revolving door.
Kristoffer Lindqvist
Staff  [Project Manager, Developer, Moderator, Swedish Translator]
Finland Finland Male 1178 posts
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2007, 11:37:30 pm »

The current Finnish Champion in the Military Bench Press (for reps) has something around 40reps on it, so...  Shocked

The current Finnish records (in kilograms, multiply by 2.2046 for pounds) are as follows:

MILITARY BENCH: Bodyweight for reps

ClassNameRepsBwWeightDate and place
Men under 65kgJouni Heiskari6354. Helsinki
Men 65kg - under 80kgTimo Parviainen5674.875.02.9.2006 Forssa
Men 80kg - under 100kg Timo Parviainen5279.580.07.10.2006 Lahti
Men 100kg - under 110kg Jouko Raukko4199.9100.05.11.2005
Men 110kg +Fredrik Smulter
Aleksander Kolomiets
7.10.2006 Lahti
10.9.2005 Tampere
Women under 65kgIina Laine
Irmeli Vaulakorpi
7.10.2006 Lahti
22.10.2005 Loppi
Women 65kg +Katja Törnqvist4178.852.59.4.2006 Loppi

MILITARY BENCH: Single rep max

ClassNameBwWeightDate and place
Men under 65kg Tuomas Nikkilä64.9kg145.0kg9.12.2006 Forssa
Men 65kg - under 80kgMarkku Väisänen79.9kg190.0kg27.8.2005 Tampere
Menen 80kg - under 90kgMarkku Väisänen84.4kg192.5kg 9.9.2006 Oulunsalo
Men 90kg - under 100kg Raukko Jouko99.7kg 200.0kg8.4.2006 Loppi
Men 100kg - under  120kg Järvi Juha-Matti118.4kg240.5kg 2.9.2006 Rauma
Men 120kg - under 140kg Järvi Juha-Matti125.5kg240kg 8.4.2006 Loppi
Men 140 +kg Mikko Hämäläinen 148.3kg 250kg 27.5.2006 Tampere
Women under 65kgHanna Rantala54.6kg85kg9.12.2006 Forssa
Women 65kg +Merja Mynttinen92.1kg102.5kg27.8.2005 Tampere

A few well-known Finnish powerlifters are represented. In the reps category we have Fredrik Smulter, a IPF lifter who placed 4th in the World Championships in the bench press in 2005. In the max reps category, we have Mikko Hämäläinen whose shirted bench was 380kg at the time. Here's a pic of this lift (EDIT: this linked image is no longer available).

This shows clearly what a military bench is all about: a bare chested (for men) paused bench press with no wrist wraps or other supportive gear, a minimal arch and feet kept up in the air above the height of the bench at all times with belly pressing strictly forbidden. The current rules draft only has provision for the max rep variety as I felt that would appeal to more powerlifters (basically a very strict raw bench that puts a lot of emphasis on starting strength). If there is interest, I'll add the rep variety as well.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2007, 05:53:05 am by kris » Logged
Michael Amos
Staff  [Developer]
United States United States Male 34 posts
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2007, 02:37:38 am »

I'm not trying to see I'll ever be on those tables. I  just like the concept of the event. I don't exactly squat with the intent of ever hittin 1200 lbs either. 63 reps is freaky though.
Mieke van der Zwaag
Registered member
Netherlands Netherlands Female 5 posts
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2007, 02:33:02 pm »

I might just try to persuade my training partners into battling each other on the military bench press. Smiley Never heard of the concept before.

Go ahead boy, pick up that hammer and show me what you can do.
Kristoffer Lindqvist
Staff  [Project Manager, Developer, Moderator, Swedish Translator]
Finland Finland Male 1178 posts
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2007, 02:46:48 pm »

I might just try to persuade my training partners into battling each other on the military bench press. Smiley Never heard of the concept before.

Hope they catch the bug! I suspect we will need to arrange our first military bench meet before this year is over... all in the interest of testing the rules before they are cut in stoneGrin

While doing some chain suspended GMs yesterday the thought struck me of also adding a paused full range squat to the recognized lifts. Perhaps not after all, but I can definitively forsee arranging the occasional "fun meet" where we can have a go at stuff like this.
Mieke van der Zwaag
Registered member
Netherlands Netherlands Female 5 posts
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2007, 11:28:27 am »

...Or strongman stuff like brickholding, which seems totally cool and incredibly hard  Smiley

Go ahead boy, pick up that hammer and show me what you can do.
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