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Jeff Sutherland: 2011 Training
(Read 105013 times)
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2011, 02:19:38 pm »


Back to day 1, week 1 of the Bulgarian cycle.  I'm going to need to try to get all 5 days/week in for this cycle I think.

Snatch - 85% x 1 x 4 80,85x3
Clean & jerk - 85% x 1 x 4 110
Front squat - 85% x 2 x 3 120x2, 125 - paused at the bottom.

Installed a pull-up bar on the wall.  I'm going to attempt a page out of Chad Waterbury's book and do one max set every day this month.
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2011, 04:08:06 pm »


Snatch - 85% x 1 x 4 80,85,90f,1, 95f, 85x1,1
Clean & jerk - 85% x 1 x 4 110x1,f,1 115x1,f
Back squat - 85% x 2 x 3 130, 140x2

Was feeling good, the snatch at 85 felt like a power snatch so I thought I'd try some heavier ones.  Missed 90 out front first try, nailed it on the second.  95 was there, but in front. 

Jerk is still killing me...  almost literally.  My back foot slid out on the second attempt at 115, dumped the bar in front but it was scary.  I need to find something to make my platform a little rougher, right now the traction is iffy.

edit: pull-ups, each rep done from dead hang
1st: 5
2nd: 6
3rd: 6
(I suck at pull-ups)
« Last Edit: March 04, 2011, 07:51:33 pm by Weeflerunner » Logged
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2011, 02:43:35 pm »


Power snatch - max attempt (only 1 attempt at record) missed 85
Power clean - max attempt (only 1 attempt at record) 110

3 sets of:
A. Pull-ups - max reps 6,6,4
B. Knees to elbows - max reps 9,9,8  --wow, these are harder than I remember
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2011, 03:43:37 pm »


Snatch - 90% x 1 x 2 90, 92.5f, 90
Clean & jerk - 90% x 1 x 2 115, 115
Front squat - 90% x 2 x 2 130x2
Pull-ups - 6-1/2


Snatch - 80% x 1 x 5 80 done every minute on the minute
Clean & jerk - 80% x 1 x 5 100 done every minute on the minute

pull-ups - 6
Leg raises - 8x3
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2011, 02:06:38 pm »


Caught a cold and wasn't feeling 100%  (plus 5th day in a row)

Snatch - 85% x 1 x 4 85
Clean & jerk - 85% x 1 x 4 90,100 shoulders complaining
Cleans 115x3
Front squat - 85% x 2 x 3 120x3, 125x2x2, 130x2

Pull-ups 6
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #20 on: March 10, 2011, 09:01:25 am »

Installed a pull-up bar on the wall.  I'm going to attempt a page out of Chad Waterbury's book and do one max set every day this month.
Hi Jeff,

what book from Chad Waterbury is this taken from?
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2011, 02:23:48 pm »

Quote from: burgerc
[Hi Jeff,

what book from Chad Waterbury is this taken from?

Just a blog post of his - I believe I originally read it on t-nation but this is the link that comes up in google:
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2011, 02:54:09 pm »

Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2011, 04:51:30 pm »

Well, the last week has been pretty terrible.  Got hit by that cold pretty hard and was not lifting Tues/Weds.  Thurs the kid got sick - ear and throat infection - and we spent a few sleepless nights where he would only sleep for 45mins at a time.  Got worn down and now the cold is back.

Lifting on Friday, light session focusing on getting under the bar quick on Snatches & jerks.  I forget exact numbers, but 70x3 on the snatches & 90x3 on the jerks for a few sets each

Tues - 4
Weds - missed
Thurs - 4
Fri - 5
Sat - 6
Sun - 7

I think I'll call this the deload prior to the virtualmeet and lift in the next day or two then try to get back to the regular routine. 
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2011, 06:59:25 pm »

I hope you will be well soon. Good luck on your meet.
Wade Dare
United States United States Male 493 posts
« Reply #25 on: March 16, 2011, 12:40:01 am »

Hope you're back to 100% before the meet, Jeff.

Good luck to you Smiley

A stitch in time means that someone repaired a hole in the fabric of the universe.
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #26 on: March 17, 2011, 01:15:05 pm »

Thanks for the support, I'm starting to feel more like myself again Smiley

planned some light lifting last night and got a little carried away...  Things were feeling fast and sharp, I think I'm ready for the meet.

Power Snatch: 70x2x4
Snatch: 70, 80, 90

Power Clean + 2 jerk: 90x1x3
Power C&J: 110x1x2
Power C&J + dropped clean + C&J: 110x1

pull-ups: 6

virtualmeet tonight or tomorrow, depending on if my wife is going skiing tonight.  If warm-ups go well I think I'll open at 90 & 115.
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2011, 03:05:56 am »

Lifted tonight, video uploading as I type.  Overall things went well, jerks felt very solid today.  Gave 1MR a try since I got a sample pack with my last protein order.  Tasted fairly bitter but gave me a bit of a kick, I don't normally use stimulants, we'll see if I can sleep tonight.

Got too aggressive on weight selection for both of my 3rd attempts, the snatch was pretty close though, had it high enough just bad position.

pull-ups: 8
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 02:37:07 pm by Weeflerunner » Logged
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #28 on: March 21, 2011, 02:46:33 pm »

Going to leave the program and try something else, I haven't been making the progress I'd like with the current plan - although I admit I haven't been following it very well.  What I want to do is increase the density, more doubles, more squats.  The new plan goes like this:

Day 1:
C&J: max for day - no more than 4-5 attempts above 70%
C&J: 5 heavy doubles
Front Squat: 3x3
Snatch Pulls: 3x3

Day 2:
Sn: max for day - no more than 4-5 attempts above 70%
Sn: 5 heavy doubles
Back Squat: 5x5
Clean Pulls: 3x3

Day 3:
Sn: max for day
C&J: max for day
Squats: heavy single, then 5 doubles
Push press: 5x3

Conditioning, as time permits, 2 of the following alternated for 3 rounds. weight to be in the 8-12 range:
Back exercise (pull-ups, rows, etc):
Abs (knees to elbows, roll-outs)
Plate swings
Pressing exercise (Push press, military press, push-ups etc)

So, last night:

C&J: 90, 100, 110, 120f - just missed the jerk, had it locked but off balance
2Clean + jerk: 105x5 - missed 4th jerk, bad 2nd clean and was out of gas
Front Squat: 3x3 @ 115

conditioning, 2 rounds:
pull-ups: 6
knees to elbows: 8
push-ups: 12
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2011, 03:36:00 pm »


Tuesday, light day

Power snatch + hang snatch: 50x4, 70x3
Power clean & 3Jerk: 70x3, 90x2
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