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Jeff Sutherland: 2011 Training
(Read 102455 times)
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2011, 05:54:54 pm »

Spent the weekend judging at the Kyle Shewfelt Gymnastics Festival.  They had a China-Canada-USA international meet with some strong guys, like Tyler from the USA:

(you can see the back of my head at the judging table at the end of the routine)

Another highlight was Brandon O'Neill's (multiple Worlds medalist) return to international competition after a year off due to injury:

Needs just a little more difficulty to be world class, but I'd bet he's planning on connecting the 2-1/2 to the double at the end and adding a full-in or triple dismount.  That would make it a medal contender with a 6.5 or 6.6 start.

Lifting - Monday

Snatch: 70,80, 90f,f
Sn doubles: 80x5
Back Squat: 110x6,4,6,5,4
Sn pulls: 110x3x3

Was feeling tired and not having a good session.  missed about 4 snatches so backed off on the squat weight.  Followed another Waterbury suggestion of stopping sets when the reps slow down for the back squats.
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #31 on: April 01, 2011, 05:03:53 pm »


Snatch: 70, 80, 82.5, 85, 87.5f,f,1, 90f,f
C&J: 100, 110, 112.5, 115, 117.5f,f
Squat: 130x2x5
Push Press: 80x5x2, 70x5
knees to elbows: 10x2

Was feeling slow last night.  The heavy C&J's were a grind to stand up with, nothing left for the Jerk.  Skipped a max squat attempt due to time.
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2011, 03:34:08 am »


C&J: 90, 105, 115, 120f
2Clean + Jerk: 100, 105x4
Front Squat: 120x3x3
Clean Pull: 140x3x3

Pull-ups: 7
Ab roll-outs: 6x2

Core felt weak on the front squats, like I couldn't get the power from my legs to the bar.  Clean Pulls were a little too heavy, my back wasn't staying upright enough.
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2011, 03:28:43 pm »


Snatch: 80, 85, 90, 95!, 97.5f
Sn doubles: 80x3, 85x2
Squats: 125x4x5, 125x5
Sn grip pulls: 120x3x3

pull-ups: 5
Knees to elbows: 8x2

It's funny where good ideas come from sometime.  I was watching this video of William Pendley and thinking about how the lift was being taught:

This got me thinking about how legs can only act to slow you down as you pull under the bar.  My legs need to be faster than my arms or else they'll be acting as a damper; there is no way they can pull you under the bar faster so they need to get up and out of the way as fast as possible.  On the pull under I should be actively lifting my knees up to my chest and landing in a deep squat.  In a perfect Snatch, my feet would hover just above the platform for the entire pull under and land, knees at my chest, just before (after, maybe?) my arms locked overhead.

Made for some good fast lifting last night... tied my PR!
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #34 on: April 15, 2011, 07:40:47 pm »

Not a very good week for lifting, did tiling in the basement over the weekend.  Took longer than I expected and spent too much time on my knees.

Monday - 11-4-11
Grace - 30 C&J 62kg for time: 5:05

Thursday - 14-4-11
2Clean + Jerk: 100, 102, 105, 107, 110
Back Squat: 110x8x3
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2011, 02:11:01 pm »


Was in Lethbridge on the weekend judging at Alberta Provincials.  It was at the University and their gym was right next door.  Managed to get in some lifting between sessions on Saturday.  They had 3 platforms with bumpers, but I was the only one using them for Oly lifting.  (There were a couple big guys doing stiff leg deadlifts for sets of 5-6 with about 180kg though)

Max day: (I don't remember all the attempts, but these were the heaviest few)
Snatch: 90, 95f,f
C&J: 110, 120f,1
Squat: 130, 140, 150

Pull-ups: 8, 6
knees to elbows: 8x2
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #36 on: April 22, 2011, 03:39:55 am »

Another not so great week for lifting, was pressed for time in the evenings but got some squatting in...

Front Squat: 110x5x5

Jerks from rack: 90, 100, 110, 120
Back Squat: 130x3x2, 135x3, 137.5x3x2

Squats felt strong tonight, so that's a plus.
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #37 on: April 26, 2011, 04:05:17 pm »


Dropped in to Natural High crossfit in Okotoks for their workout of the day.

Clean & Front squat

not 100% on the weights, pounds and all black bumpers confuse me.  I think the heavy sets were about 225, still an easy power clean.

21 - 15 - 9
C + J 115/75#
x3 Dbl. Unders (64/45/27)

time: 10:15 (I suck at double unders)
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #38 on: April 30, 2011, 05:42:01 pm »

April 29

Dropped in to Crossfit Brio in Saskatoon today for their WOD

Front squat - 5,3,3,1,1,1
225,245,255,275,295,315 NEW PR!

conditioning - 65lb sandbag

30 sandbag lunges
21-15-9 (sandbag to shoulder, burpie)
30 sandbag lunges
time - 9:47
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #39 on: May 04, 2011, 02:10:55 pm »

May 3 - back home

High hang Snatch: 70x2x5
Back Squat: 110x5, 120x3, 130x3, 140x1, 150x1, 160x1 PR!

Sprints, approx 50m: 6, 70-90% effort

Weather's finally getting nice, most of the snow is gone.  I intend to get outside much more for some conditioning work.

The 5,3,3,1,1,1 seems to work very well for me to get warmed up for max attempts

hoping to get back to more regular training later this week.  Thinking of a possible competition at the end of the month.
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #40 on: May 04, 2011, 04:54:02 pm »

Congrats on the PR!
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #41 on: May 07, 2011, 07:51:14 pm »


Went for a run with the wife on Wednesday night pushing the stoller, about 2km or so, pretty laid back pace

May 6
Wasn't feeling well on the 5th but decided to try a little on the 6th.  Missed two attempts snatching 70kg and pretty much called it.
Military press: 50x5, 60x3, 70x3, 75xf

May 7
2 Clean + Jerk: 90, 95, 100, 105, 110
Clean pulls: 130x3x3

not much but things felt a lot better than yesterday.  going to have to go lighter on the clean pulls I think, they were getting too deadlifty.  (hips rising too fast)
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #42 on: May 10, 2011, 01:04:20 pm »

May 9

Snatch: 70, 80, 85xf,f,1, 90xf,1
Snatch: 80x2x5
Squat: 120x3, 125x3x4
Sn grip deadlift + shrug: 125x3x3

Snatches felt a little off on the singles but I went 10 for 10 on the doubles.
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #43 on: May 12, 2011, 01:13:39 pm »

May 11

C&J: 90x2, 100, 110, 115, 120f,f
Front Squat: (110x4, 120x3, 130x2)x2

3 sets of:
(Sprint 50m + 10 push-ups)x2

missed the 1st jerk at 120, 2nd try my grip slipped on the clean.
Jeff Sutherland
Canada Canada Male 104 posts
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2011, 05:43:08 pm »

Trying out for logging my workouts...

May 14

70 kgs x 2 (+90 pts)
80 kgs x 1 (+100 pts)
90 kgs x 1 (+112 pts)
90 kgs x 1 (+112 pts)
95 kgs x 1 (+119 pts)
90 kgs x 1 (+112 pts)
All 90's were misses... 95 was a balk

Push Press:
70 kgs x 5 (+54 pts)
75 kgs x 5 (+57 pts)
75 kgs x 5 (+57 pts)
behind the neck

Barbell Squat:
110 kgs x 5 (+84 pts)
130 kgs x 5 (+100 pts)
130 kgs x 5 (+100 pts)
130 kgs x 5 (+100 pts)
heavy, but do-able, took a little extra rest before the last set

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