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Wade Dare: Training to Live
(Read 629717 times)
Wade Dare
United States United States Male 493 posts
« Reply #315 on: March 26, 2011, 06:39:14 am »


bar 5x2
185x2 (PR +1 rep)

190x1 )PR +5 lbs)

Gibbon Pullups
BW 5x2
« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 07:08:14 am by WadeDare » Logged

A stitch in time means that someone repaired a hole in the fabric of the universe.
Wade Dare
United States United States Male 493 posts
« Reply #316 on: March 28, 2011, 10:30:48 pm »


New program from coach

snatch pull to knee + full snatch
worked up to 125 1x5 sets

Full snatch
135 1x5 sets

165 3x5 sets

Oly Squats
worked up to 295 3x3

I learned that I have to pull the bar back when coming off the floor, rather than up.  This sets up the second pull very nicely for my levers.  Almost sent the bar back over my head a couple times.  Getting under the bar better too.  Still not fast, but it's starting to hit a groove.


A stitch in time means that someone repaired a hole in the fabric of the universe.
Wade Dare
United States United States Male 493 posts
« Reply #317 on: March 30, 2011, 07:14:46 pm »


Clean pull to knees + Clean and Push Jerk
175 1x5 sets

Clean and Push Jerk
190 1x5 sets (was only supposed to do 3 sets - DOH!) PR +5lbs and +4 sets

BW+35 3x5 sets

Front Squat
235 3x3

Felt really out of it today, still not recovered from Monday. Made it through, but everything felt mushy and slow. The push jerk is a PR, but I'm not getting my butt back on the catch so the balance is not good. Won't be able to go much heavier until I get these shoulders and torso more flexible. Coach gave me a video of loosening exercises to do and I guess I'll have to quit avoiding doing them. I hate stretching and mobility crap.

Pullups felt really wrong. So weak in this now. Good thing I get to do them twice every 8 days.

I'm doing some form of squatting every session so I may have to back off the poundage a little so I can recover.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2011, 08:34:44 pm by WadeDare » Logged

A stitch in time means that someone repaired a hole in the fabric of the universe.
Wade Dare
United States United States Male 493 posts
« Reply #318 on: April 01, 2011, 09:54:40 pm »


Snatch pull to knees + snatch
125 1x5

135 1x5

Polish Press
165 3x3
155 3x2

295 3x3

Snatches - I consider these SMOKED!  Only one was momentarily in doubt and I saved that one at the bottom. I can raise weight now.

Took snatch grip on polish press (which is the definition of it, actually)  165 got to be too hard on the shoulders so I dropped to 155.  I'll work back up by 2.5's I think.  We'll see.

I tried to bounce my hams off my calves on squats.  Missed doing so on some of them and my back angle sucked for the first two sets.  Mostly fixed it on the last set but I'll have to stay at 295 for at least another session.


A stitch in time means that someone repaired a hole in the fabric of the universe.
Wade Dare
United States United States Male 493 posts
« Reply #319 on: April 03, 2011, 09:20:34 pm »


Clean pull to Knees + C&PJ
175 1x5 sets

190 1x3 sets

BW+35 3x5 sets

Front Squats
235 3x3

Trouble on the jerks today, right shoulder mushy and un-cooperative.  They weren't bad, just mushy.  I'm not even thinking about the cleans or struggling at all with them, focused on getting the jerks right.  Still need some work there.

Pullups getting faster and easier.

Front Squats were faster and deeper today than last C&J Session.  5 lbs more next time.


A stitch in time means that someone repaired a hole in the fabric of the universe.
Wade Dare
United States United States Male 493 posts
« Reply #320 on: April 05, 2011, 11:35:23 pm »


Snatch Pull to Knees + Snatch
130 1x5 sets

145x0, 1/2, 1,1,1,0,1,1

Polish Press
157.5 3x5 sets

295 3x3

Snatches were wobbly, but good enough to try again at that weight.  Bet I'll do much better.  Butt was going up the tiniest little bit.  Hard to believe 10lbs makes that much of a difference.

First two sets no belt and deep except for set 2 rep 3.  Put the belt on after that.  Getting deep, now to make them faster.


A stitch in time means that someone repaired a hole in the fabric of the universe.
Wade Dare
United States United States Male 493 posts
« Reply #321 on: April 10, 2011, 02:02:58 am »


Clean Pull to Knees + Clean and Push Jerk
175 1x5

Clean and Push Jerk
195 1x3   (PR +5lbs)

BW+50 3x5

Front Squats
240 3x3


A stitch in time means that someone repaired a hole in the fabric of the universe.
Wade Dare
United States United States Male 493 posts
« Reply #322 on: April 11, 2011, 10:03:09 pm »

Snatch Pull to Knees + Snatch
135 1x5

150x1,1 (both bleah)
145 1x3 (last one popped!)
150 1x2

Polish Press
160 5x3

Close grip Strict Press
145 5x2 sets

305 3x3 (Belt)

Lower back was tired today.

Going froggy on the snatches in that I'm pulling my knees out to the side as I pull up.  Puts me in a lot better 2nd pull position and the bar was accelerating well.  Didn't get that until the third 145 snatch.  To this point I've been depending on my back to SWING the weight up, but once I got my knees out to the side I was able to jump with the weight using my butt and hamstrings, which is more effective and less tiring.  Looking forward to next session

Polish presses just felt awful today, but I got them in.

Didn't want to squat.  Belted up tight and did em anyway and put more weight on to boot.


A stitch in time means that someone repaired a hole in the fabric of the universe.
Wade Dare
United States United States Male 493 posts
« Reply #323 on: April 13, 2011, 11:34:46 pm »


Clean Pull to Knees + Clean and Push Jerk
180 1x5

Clean and Push Jerk
200x1,1,0(pressed out), 1

BW+55 3x5 sets

Front Squats
245 3x3

Bottom half is feeling strong strong strong.  Had accupuncture yesterday for the shoulder and though the practitioner didn't put any needles there, I can already feel more function in it.  Push jerks still hurt a little, but it should subside.  Setting feet closer on the front squats, which lets me get really low and bounce out of the hole better.

A stitch in time means that someone repaired a hole in the fabric of the universe.
Wade Dare
United States United States Male 493 posts
« Reply #324 on: April 15, 2011, 10:59:34 pm »

Snatch Pull to Knees + Snatch
137 1x5 (eventually)

147.5 1x5 (again, eventually)

Polish Presses
145 3x3,5,6 

315 3x2

I'm doing something wrong on snatches - that bar is going straight up and down and so ends up forward.  It needs to come back more on the second pull.  I've got plenty of height, but because it's too far forward I can't get under it stably.  Just felt 'off' today.

Polish press - I dropped weight and I want to do more reps there.

Squats - felt like hitting a daily max.  Made up the last set with a  lighter higher rep set.


A stitch in time means that someone repaired a hole in the fabric of the universe.
Warren Djemal
United Kingdom United Kingdom Male 88 posts
« Reply #325 on: April 16, 2011, 08:47:03 pm »

On the earlier reps you're jumping a bit early, so the bar goes up in front of you. Later this cleans up, but somehow destroys your t-shirt.
Wade Dare
United States United States Male 493 posts
« Reply #326 on: April 20, 2011, 05:27:29 am »

On the earlier reps you're jumping a bit early, so the bar goes up in front of you. Later this cleans up, but somehow destroys your t-shirt.

I just get too much awesome going and poof!  The shirt disappears in a flash of flame.  I can't explain it otherwise.


Clean Pull to knees + CPJ
185 1x5 sets

202.5 1x3 sets (did 4 but one was pressed out)

No gas after cleans and jerks. Guess I'll hit pullups and front squats tomorrow.

Nope.  Bailed on training today, too.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 10:33:17 pm by WadeDare » Logged

A stitch in time means that someone repaired a hole in the fabric of the universe.
Wade Dare
United States United States Male 493 posts
« Reply #327 on: April 20, 2011, 11:16:11 pm »


Snatch Pull to Knees + Snatch
140lbs 1x5

150lbs x a bunch

Polish Press
145 5x3, 3x2

295 3x3


A stitch in time means that someone repaired a hole in the fabric of the universe.
Wade Dare
United States United States Male 493 posts
« Reply #328 on: April 23, 2011, 03:01:15 am »


Clean pull to knees + clean and Push Jerk
185 1x5

Clean and Push Jerk
205 0, 1x3

BW 5x10 sets

Front Squat
245 3x3

Took a bunch of yard apes to the beach, made driftwood sculptures and dug deep holes.  Back was very tired by the time I got to working out.  Excellent session.  All but one of the jerks was crisp and good.  Couple of the heavier cleans were out of the groove, but got 'em up nonetheless.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2011, 04:51:33 am by WadeDare » Logged

A stitch in time means that someone repaired a hole in the fabric of the universe.
Wade Dare
United States United States Male 493 posts
« Reply #329 on: April 25, 2011, 02:59:02 am »


Snatch pull to knees + snatch
142.5 1x5

152.5 1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1

Polish Press
152.5 4,3x4 sets

295 3x3

Finally dropping under the snatch at the heavier weight. Better lifts than last session with 2.5 lbs more. I should start getting these more consistently (crosses fingers) now that I'm pulling under.

Squats really hurt in the left lower back, but each of them was bounced off my heels this time. Now to try and make them faster.

A stitch in time means that someone repaired a hole in the fabric of the universe.
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