Finished the meet. Weigh in was with 89.9kg so as close at it can get.
I did not eat really yesterday and I think that the diet affected the performance.
From the beginning I knew I would come in 2nd if I do not blow all three attempts.
So I started with 140kg. Of course no problem but 1 red because I started to fast.
Second was 147.5kg. Also no problem 3 whites.
I chose 150kg for the 3rd because I wanted to be sure to have all three attempts. Nailed the third as well but I was called for lifting before the signal. I need to work on that.

So all in all, a good improvement. I do think that with higher blodd sugar values and more experience with the shirt I could easily bench more than 150kg.
I also need to work on nevousness when lifting in front of a large crowd and a lot of people who lift considerably more, but already it was better than the first time.
Will be posting the link to the results.