Kat Ricker

United States United States
WWW Personal Message (Offline)

I'm here for some fun, to connect with other lifters, and to spice up my weightlifting. Before coming to weightlifting, I was a competitive bodybuilder. I am a USA Weightlifting and Sports Performance coach. I've worked as a head personal trainer and gym manager. My training articles have appeared in magazines such as Muscle & Fitness and on sites such as Straight to the Bar. I also review fitness equipment and books at http://mightyreview.blogspot.com

My best meet lifts

Squat 26th (97.4513 malone)

50.3kg@58.5kg (111lbs@129lbs), age 38

July 2008: Powerlifting meet

Bench press 8th (87.9581 malone)

45.4kg@58.5kg (100lbs@129lbs), age 38

July 2008: Powerlifting meet

Deadlift 12th (179.103 malone)

96.6kg@61.9kg (213lbs@136.5lbs), age 39

May 2009: Deadlift meet

Snatch 1st (20.0322 siff)

38.6kg@61.2kg (85lbs@135lbs), age 39

June 2009: Weightlifting meet

Clean and jerk 1st (25.8965 siff)

49.9kg@61.2kg (110lbs@135lbs), age 39

June 2009: Weightlifting meet
