According to the
current rule draft (0.86) headphones are not allowed in our meets.
However, having discussed this briefly with
Matt when it came up on the thread, we fully symphatize with the agony of trying to move heavy iron in an atmosphere where you can't control the music (i.e. a public gym). So, unless anyone else objects, I suggest allowing headphones for this meet as a test. Honestly, I don't see a problem if you secure the cord and player well (or go wireless...), but one reason headphones are not allowed is the risk that they could needlessly interfere with the lifting. Even so, I would now tend to think that the satisfaction of getting into the right mood far outweighs the small potential issues that could arise from the use of headphones.
If nothing to prove the contrary pops up, we could probably move them into the rules sometime after the March 7-9th meet. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? For or against, all feedback is highly welcome!
Thanks for posting Layne, it's this kind of feedback we really like to know about.