Wade, I couldn't agree more on all counts. A request for adding the Crossfit Total as an event was also
suggested here back in 2007 and this is an option I've gently tossed around since.
The main reason this hasn't yet felt like the way to go is the similarity to regular powerlifting events. This only becomes an issue because the number of meets we can run in a year is limited by the number of active participants, the idea of having a solid offering of the staple meets (powerlifting, weightlifting and the bench press) and also my time. So I've preferred introducing weightlifting and the challenge meet idea to diversify a bit. Against that background, the overhead press as a single lift event would be my first choice would I have to choose. The overhead press is without doubt a staple in strength training (also from a historical point of view) and a lift the bench press in many ways cannot compete with. As a single event, the lift could be truly enjoyed by the most people, including those with knee or lower back pain.
In sum, the dilemma is one of balancing finite resources against the extremely appealing idea of being able to offer a real smorgasbord of events that would better represent the richness of iron culture out there. At the end of the day it would not only be a lot of fun, but also very motivating to be able to chalk up for a lot more than the usual. I also have a lot of respect for what the Crossfit community is doing and I would love to supplement the max lift events with balls-to-the-walls physical challenges. Bring on the kettlebells, the burpees, the old-school lifts... and for years I've dreamt of one day hosting a shotput event to shuffle the pack a bit. But back on mother Earth I always bump into the already mentioned limitations while still seeing the community wanting to do so much more than this.
Recently, prompted by an intriguing e-mail I got, a new path that could make this a reality has opened up. Namely:
what if, say, you would put together that meet yourself? I give you the platform with your own page where you can set up the meet rules and discuss the event, video uploading, a judging interface customized to your requirements, automatic generation of final results... in return, you handle spreading the word, accepting lifters and arrange the judges. Under this vision, Virtualmeet could become a generic platform for the iron community where anyone could set up shop to stage their own events under their own rules and see if they can gather a following. That way nothing would stop the Crossfit community from using this platform to serve their needs or for the kettlebell community to start up their thing. With a central hub in place that would ultimately connect everything under on big umbrella, it would hopefully continue the trend of cross-pollination where people mingle and compete outside their own niche. Add to that support for communities in different languages and I think we would be looking at quite an interesting project that would definitively start a life of its own.
But frankly, this would also mean that you would see some fees enter the picture. I've said this many times before, but if Virtualmeet is to keep growing there is a point where I would no longer be willing to both put all of my free time into this and also pay for all the hosting, bandwidth and backup needs (which grow considerably due to video being such a central part of this). I see the current meets as a community service that will always be free. It shall never cost a dime to become a member and it shall never cost a dime to enter one of our standard meets. But if someone wants to do their own thing on this platform utilizing its bandwidth, storage, processing power and so on, they should also be willing to do their part in supporting it (barring of course the event that there are sponsors out there willing to take their place). I haven't done any math yet, but we're not talking about big sums here given a reasonable number of lifters (obviously, the more lifters, the more resources are consumed). It's also not a secret that I would love to be able to financially justify taking some leaves off my regular job to work on Virtualmeet (one full day a week would be pretty sweet). Obviously, that scenario already spells mild profit which while an ugly word at times is still how you best can continue to muster the needed resources year after year.
I won't go off further on a tangent, but against this backdrop my own answer would be something like: let's wait and see.

Let me first deliver the new baby (Virtualmeet version 2) and we'll get back to the different alternatives of how we could go beyond what we're doing now. Meanwhile, I would be happy to hear any thoughts on the grand vision I presented here. The new platform will give a good headstart towards realizing it, but obviously there is still a LOT of work to be done if we're to go there and early feedback will help when it is decision time. One step at a time, but no harm looking at the beautiful rainbow at the horizon I say.