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As of early 2013, we are still in the process of rebooting unto the new platform

If you want to keep track of the relaunch you can:

  1. Like us on Facebook
  2. Follow us on Twitter
  3. Send me (Kris) an e-mail and let me know that you'd like to join the new site when it is ready.

Once we are ready to relaunch, we will start spreading the word. Until then, expect silence to mean we are heads down coding. :) The forum is still open for active members, but don't expect a lot of activity here since meets are currently on hold.

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Good Luck to Everyone!!!
(Read 10593 times)
Michael Christian
United States United States Male 32 posts
« on: September 06, 2007, 11:01:08 am »

I hope everyone has a great meet and hits some big prs!!! I will be starting lifting again slowly September 10th. Back feels much better as do both shoulders. I would love to see some footage from the lifters, will that be posted anywhere? Kick some a@# guys and gals!!!
Kristoffer Lindqvist
Staff  [Project Manager, Developer, Moderator, Swedish Translator]
Finland Finland Male 1178 posts
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2007, 04:23:01 pm »

For my part, thanks Mike! Too bad you are not in it though. I haven't been able to squat and deadlift for three weeks due to low back pain, but it now seems to hold enough to go for it. As a good omen, the local weather forecast for Saturday has changed from rain to sunshine and 13'C/55'F... a fine day for some outdoor lifting!

I would love to see some footage from the lifters, will that be posted anywhere?

You betcha! Full meet coverage will be available in the same spirit as for the inaugural meet.

Lift hard folks!
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