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As of early 2013, we are still in the process of rebooting unto the new platform

If you want to keep track of the relaunch you can:

  1. Like us on Facebook
  2. Follow us on Twitter
  3. Send me (Kris) an e-mail and let me know that you'd like to join the new site when it is ready.

Once we are ready to relaunch, we will start spreading the word. Until then, expect silence to mean we are heads down coding. :) The forum is still open for active members, but don't expect a lot of activity here since meets are currently on hold.

Pages: [1]
(Read 11190 times)
Kristoffer Lindqvist
Staff  [Project Manager, Developer, Moderator, Swedish Translator]
Finland Finland Male 1178 posts
« on: June 23, 2007, 08:24:45 am »

Any member in good standing who is training for our meets is warmly welcome to start a journal here for motivation and helpful feedback from fellow virtualmeeters. This implies that you have read these rules.

Please note, that like all content here at, the staff cannot fully monitor what journal keepers post. Readers are encouraged to report any violation of the member agreement to the staff.

Acceptable content

The journals are primarily intended to document your training, but you may naturally also write about life in general as it pertains to your training, mood etc. Other members are encouraged to offer helpful comments and ask questions in line with the member agreement.

Limiting the scope of a journal

To keep journals manageable, most journals should outline the preparation for a single meet with a possible new journal started thereafter. There are cases where longer journals may be applicable. The scope should be clear from the journal title together with the real name of the lifter, for example:

John Doe: Full meet, 9-11th September 2007


In the interest of making it easy to follow any journal, journal keepers should do their best to adher to the following notation when recording exercises:

reps x sets @ weight

Weight can be indicated in any combination of kilograms and pounds, but make sure you indicate clearly what unit is being used. For example:

Bench press: 2x10 @ 220 lbs
Deadlift: 5x1 @ 170 kg
Squat: 5x5 @ 70 kg/154 lbs

Note that to convert from kilograms to pounds multiply with 2.2046, to convert from pounds to kilograms divide by the same number.

Posting video

Any journal keeper may post training footage in their journal that is streamable just like all the meet footage. This video may also be linked to from other web pages, forums and so on. The only requirement is that the videos are submitted as Flash Video (.flv) and are not bigger than 10MB each. Based on available server resources, the staff has the right to restrict how much video a user can post. The staff also has the right to either temporarily or permanently remove video clips that cause traffic to the extent that the rest of the site is put under heavy strain.

To post video on your journal, please PM an administrator for further details. Useful tools for converting video to Flash video include SUPER (free) and Flix (commercial, superior quality; the Standard release is more than adequate).

Posting images

Images related to training may be posted as attachements within the bounds of the allowable size in jpg, png and gif formats or linked from external sources.

That's it. Have fun!
« Last Edit: July 17, 2007, 09:21:43 pm by kris » Logged
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