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Ben's Training Journal
(Read 115979 times)
Ben Jacobi
United States United States Male 72 posts
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2010, 03:55:13 am »

Leg and Back Day Sad Hate LEGS!!! 

1/2/10 - 165.2

Squat - 135x6, 225x4, 260x5, 260x5, 260x6, 260x5, 260x5

Deadlift - 225x4, 325x5, 325x5, 325x5, 325x5, 325x5

Lat Pulldown - 100x25, 160x6, 170x5, 180x5
Leg Press - 360x8, 360x7, 360x6

Calf Raises - 145x20, 145x20, 145x20, 145x20
Leg Ext - 100x8, 112.5x7, 112.5x6
Low Row - 150x8, 170x7, 180x6

Overall  a decent workout, back was a lil sore afterwards. Last week of around 5 reps for Squat and Deadlift.
Ben Jacobi
United States United States Male 72 posts
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2010, 11:20:19 pm »

1/3/10 - 165.0

Bench - 225x10, 225x8 (with chains - 6.4 lbs each), 275x4 (with chains), 225x12

Standing Curl - 110x4, 115x5, 115x5, 115x5, 115x4 (with chains),             115x3 (with chains)

Incline Bench - 155x8, 185x6, 185x5, 185x4
Reverse Pulley Singles - 75x8, 75x8, 75x8,  75x8, 75x8

Pulley Flyes - 80x8, 80x8, 80x8, 80x8
Dips - 15, 15, 15, 15

Bicep Machine - 110x5, 112.5x4, 125x3, 137.5x3
Pec-Dec - 120x8, 120x7, 120x10
Bar Pressdown - 50x10, 60x8, 70x8
Ben Jacobi
United States United States Male 72 posts
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2010, 11:00:38 pm »

1/6 - 165.6

Deadlift (2" inches below knee rack, 17" off ground)
 - 225x5, 315x6, 405x4, 475x1, 495x1, 505x1

Bicep Machine - 100x10, 112.5x8, 125x6, 137.5x3, 125x5, 112.5x8
Rope - 50x10, 50x9, 50x8, 50x7, 50x7, 50x8

Had to stop workout, had to take care of some work stuff.  Sad
Ben Jacobi
United States United States Male 72 posts
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2010, 04:16:19 am »

1/8/10 - 165.4

Bench - 185x10, 225x6, 245x5, 265x4, 285x2, 305x1, 225x13

Standing Curl - 110x5, 125x4, 140x3, 150x1 (tried 2 but couldn't, VERY BAD)

Incline Bench - 155x6, 175x4, 195x3, 205x2

DB Bench - 90x8, 100x7, 100x6, 100x5

Pec-Dec - 120x8, 130x7, 110x10
Dips - 15, 15, 15
Chest got very tried quickly, a lot of volume. Not looking forward to 2morrow bcs I gotta work some legs. Sad
Ben Jacobi
United States United States Male 72 posts
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2010, 03:34:32 am »

1/9 - 165.5

Squat - 136x6, 225x4, 245x3, 245x3, 245x3

Leg Press - 360x6, 450x5, 640x4, 450x5, 360x6
Calf Raises - 90x30, 90x30, 90x30, 90x30, 90x30

Preacher Curls - 70x10, 75x8, 80x7, 85x6, 90x5

Leg Ext - 100x8, 100x8, 100x8
Rope Ext - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10
Rope Ext Behind Head - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10
Single DB Incline Curl - 30x6, 35x5, 35x4, 30x10 + Negitive curls x 3

Single Pulley Ext - 65x10, 65x9, 65x8
Reverse Pulley Ext - 60x10, 60x9, 60x8
BB Curls (Top half motion) - 55x20, 55x20
BB Curls (Bottome half motion) - 55x20, 55x20
Ben Jacobi
United States United States Male 72 posts
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2010, 06:09:59 pm »

1/12 - 165.2

Bench - 185x10, 225x7, 265x5, 295x3, 315x2 1/2 (2 board press)

Standing Curl - 110x4, 130x2, 140x1, 150x1, 160x1, 160x1

DB Bench - 100x7, 100x8, 100x10

Chest Press Machine - 200x5, 212.5x4, 225x4, 237.5x5
Ben Jacobi
United States United States Male 72 posts
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2010, 05:33:05 pm »

1/15 - 164.4

Deadlift - 225x6, 315x3, 405x1, 455x1, 475x1, 475x1

Rope Ext - 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10
Ben Jacobi
United States United States Male 72 posts
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2010, 09:54:25 pm »

1/16 - 166.0

Squat - 135x6, 225x2, 275x1, 325x1, 325x1, 325x1

Lat Pulldown - 110x20, 170x5, 170x5, 170x5, 100x15

Behind Shrugs (elbows up/out) - 135x12, 135x11, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10
Calf Burnout - 140x15, 140x15, 140x15, 140x15

Machine Curl - 100x8, 125x5, 125x4, 125x3, 100x8
Rope - 50x10, 60x10, 60x8, 60x7, 50x10

Alt. Curls - 35x7, 40x6, 45x5
Behind Shrugs + Front Shrugs - 135x20, 135x15, 135x15

Reverse Ext - 60x10, 60x10, 60x10
Leg Press - 360x6, 360x6, 360x6

Ben Jacobi
United States United States Male 72 posts
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2010, 09:58:59 pm »

1/20 - 165.6

Bench - 180x10, 225x10, 225x8(with 6lbs chains), 225x6(with 6lbs chains)

Bench Press Lockout - 315x6, 355x4

Curl - 110x6, 110x5, 110x4, 110x3, 130x1, 150x1, 150x1

Incline Press - 155x6, 185x4, 205x2

High Pulley Curls - 65x20, 75x8, 85x6, 95x6

Pulley Flyes - 95x8, 95x8, 95x8, 95x8
DB Fly/Row - 35x10, 35x10, 35x10, 35x10

Pec-Dec 10" squeeze - 120x20, 120x20, 120x20, 120x20
Machine Curls - 100x6, 100x6, 100x6, 100x6
Ben Jacobi
United States United States Male 72 posts
« Reply #24 on: January 29, 2010, 08:57:07 pm »

Been gone on a 5-Day cruise this past week Smiley Smiley Time to get ready for my Feb. 13th meet.

1/28 - 166.8

Bench - 225x8, 245x4, 275x2, 300x1, 300x2, 225x15

DB Bench - 90x8, 100x6, 100x6

Incline Bench - 155x6, 185x4, 185x4, 185x4
Pec-Dec - 120x6, 130x5, 140x5, 110x6
10" squeeze - " " " "
Ben Jacobi
United States United States Male 72 posts
« Reply #25 on: January 31, 2010, 03:28:29 pm »

1/29 - 166.0

Deadlift - 225x6, 315x2, 405x1, 460x1, 460x1

Lat Pulldown - 150x6, 160x5, 170x4, 170x4

Deadlift (bottom notchh) - 315x5, 405x4, 455x1,

Worked in some biceps & triceps
Ben Jacobi
United States United States Male 72 posts
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2010, 10:56:59 pm »

1/31 - 166.2

Squat - 135x6, 185x4, 205x2, 215x12

Leg Press - 360x6, 450x6, 450x6, 450x6

Leg Ext - 100x6, 100x6, 100x6
Leg Curl - 87.5x6, 87,5x6, 87.5x6

Chest Press - 162.5x10, 175x9, 175x8, 125x25
Pec Dec - 110x10, 110x9, 110x8, 80x20

Machine Curl - 75x10, 80x9, 87.5x8, 75x20
Rope - 50x10, 50x9, 60x8, 40x20

Close-Grip Bench Press - 135x10, 135x9, 135x8, 135x20
Concentration Curls - 30x10, 35x9, 35x8, 25x20
Ben Jacobi
United States United States Male 72 posts
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2010, 11:01:51 pm »

I forgot to post this day.

1/21 - 165.6 - These are my opeing attempts for my Fed. 13th meet: I only did this for the day.

Deadlift - 225x6, 315x2, 405x1, 455x1

Bench - 225x6, 255x2, 275x1, 300x1

Curl - 110x2, 130x1, 145x1,
                                                        145 + 300 + 455 = 900
Ben Jacobi
United States United States Male 72 posts
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2010, 11:11:14 pm »

2/3 - 165.2

These are my 2nd attempt goals for the Feb. 13th Meet:

Bench - 225x10, 255x2, 275x1, 295x1, 310x1 (pause) 225x16

Deadlift - 225x4, 315x2, 405x1, 455x1, 480 (personal best)

Curl - 110x2, 130x2, 140x1, 150x1, 155x1, 150x1

Machine Curls - 125x3, 137.5x3, 125x3, 112.5x3, 100x3, 87.5x10
Rope - 50x8, 50x8, 50x8, 50x8, 50x8, 50x8

150 + 310 + 480 = 940

Final attempt will be around:
   curl - 156.52
   bench - 319.67
   deadlift - 496.04
       total - 972.23
Ben Jacobi
United States United States Male 72 posts
« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2010, 12:06:43 am »

2/6 - 165.0

Bench - 225x6, 225x17, 225x10

Curl - 110x6, 120x5, 130x4, 140x3, 150x2

Incline Bench - 155x6, 185x6, 185x5, 185x4

Preacher Curl - 70x8, 90x6, 90x5, 110x4

Incline Single Curl - 30x8, 35x7, 40x6, 40x5
Low Pulley Curls - 150x6, 150x6, 150x5, 150x5

21's - 55x7's, 55x7's, 55x7's, 55x7's
Machine Curls - 87.5x8, 87.5x7, 87.5x6, 87.5x5

Chest Burnout:
Cable flyes - 75x10
Dipes - Incline Flyes - 35x10
Bench - 135x10 (pause)
Incline Bench - 135x10 (pause)
Decline Bench - 135x10
Flat Bench Flyes - 35x10
Incline DB Press - 35x10
Smith Machine Press - 135x10 (touch uppper chest)
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