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If you want to keep track of the relaunch you can:

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Once we are ready to relaunch, we will start spreading the word. Until then, expect silence to mean we are heads down coding. :) The forum is still open for active members, but don't expect a lot of activity here since meets are currently on hold.

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REGISTER: Powerlifting, 5-10 July 2011
(Read 14420 times)
Kristoffer Lindqvist
Staff  [Project Manager, Developer, Moderator, Swedish Translator]
Finland Finland Male 1178 posts
« on: July 05, 2011, 11:45:18 am »

This thread is to sign-up for the 5-10 July 2011 Powerlifting meet only. Questions and comments concerning this meet should be posted in the discussion thread.

Registration details

Registration is open until Sunday 10 July at noon lifter's local time (the last meet day). While it is possible to register very late, lifters are encouraged to register as early as convenient in order to get the video upload details well before the meet ends.

To register for the meet, just post a short reply to this message. This implies that you:
  • HAVE READ AND ACCEPTED THE RULES (the LATEST version of the rules!)
  • AFFIRM YOUR DRUG-FREE STATUS (again, see the rules)
  • REALLY AIM AT DOING THE MEET, not just thinking about it. Of course, injuries and life can happen, so you are naturally free to cancel your entry if needed.

** Lift on any of these days: Tuesday 5th, Wednesday 6th, Thursday 7th, Friday 8th, Saturday 9th, Sunday 10th.

Those who wish to judge should also sign-up in this thread.

To make sure that you don't forget anything essential, we highly recommend using the checklist as a supplement to the rules.

Wishing all lifters a strong meet!
« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 11:49:52 am by kris » Logged
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2011, 07:34:27 pm »

I have read the rules and am drug free. I thought I'd sign up and go ahead and lift in Finland
Ginger Zakari
United States United States Female 16 posts
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2011, 01:15:54 am »

I have read and accepted the rules.
I am drug free.

Looking forward to doing the meet!
Nikki Chapman
Registered member
Canada Canada Female 2 posts
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2011, 05:11:35 pm »

I have read the rules
I am drug free
Registering to lift
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