Thanks again folks! This has been quite an intense project in terms of workload, but rewarding to no end as it involves so many different areas of work (low-level server configuring, graphic design, concept planning, programming, public relations, research... the list is endless). Today is really the first day when everything has come together into something workable, but you will continue to see improvements after the meet. I am really looking forward to hearing feedback on how this concept worked for you. Right now, the thing that excites me the most is that so many of you also seem just as pumped by this project.
This week has been crazy at my end and I have lost so many hours of sleep that I have a hard time believing that tomorrow is actually meet day.

I will now hit the sack for a long sleep, then relax, have some kebab with Måns and then... BOOOM! Off to see what I have in me. It's not as much as I planned for, but given the number of bad things that happened during my meet preparation I must be satisfied. LIFT BIG EVERYONE!!! Over and pass out.