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The "My Gym Bag" photo contest
(Read 15131 times)
Kristoffer Lindqvist
Staff  [Project Manager, Developer, Moderator, Swedish Translator]
Finland Finland Male 1178 posts
« on: June 27, 2007, 07:20:16 pm »

Gym bags - most everyone has one. But what you will find inside will vary from lifter to lifter. The purpose of this thread is to peek inside YOUR gym bag. Why? Because, quite frankly, I find it interesting in its own right. Secondly, because this has great potential in giving others sudden flashes of "hey, that would be really useful to have in MY bag!".

Not only that, but I find this interesting enough to warrant some more free T-shirts; one Official Logo Tee will be awarded to two (2) RANDOMLY drawn participants. Simply put, everyone has an equal chance of winning a shirt NO MATTER WHAT'S IN THE BAG. So please, don't stuff your bag with stuff you don't generally carry with you to the gym. To be eligible to win, you need to submit your entry by September 1st, 2007 following these rules:

  • 1. Take a photo of your gym bag, preferably so that most contents are visible (DON'T take a photo of your closed bag!!). You may spread them out around the bag if you want. Scale the image down to a maximum of 450x450 pixels (there is also a 128kb file size limit, but that should not be a problem). If you don't know how to do this, please send your image to and I'll take care of it for you.

  • 2. Post a reply to this thread with a listing of the contents of your gym bag (feel free to be as vocal as you want) AND post the image as an attachment.

PLEASE SUBMIT ONLY ENTRIES IN THIS THREAD! Discussion is encouraged, but should go into the comment thread. Participation after September 1st is also welcome, but that is the deadline for being eligible to win a shirt. In the interest of spreading the love more evenly, those who have received a complimentary free shirt before this date will not be included in the draw (but don't let that stop you from submitting your bag, we're still interested!!!!). The winners will be announced by September 5th and will be asked to privately submit the address they want the shirt shipped to. If an address has not been received by September 15th, I reserve the right to draw a new winner. Only one entry per member please!

Good luck! Eagerly awaiting your bag...  Grin

EDIT: The competition has ended, but the more bags the merrier!
« Last Edit: September 02, 2007, 04:58:37 am by kris » Logged
Måns Rinne
Staff  [Moderator, Finnish Translator]
Finland Finland Male 57 posts
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2007, 10:50:49 am »


So here's what's in my bag o'goodies.  Smiley

- My shoes; a pair of oooold Otomix gym shoes. They work, don't smell too horrendous and their still in good shape.
- My shorts of Virtualmeet fame. Yes, the same one's I had on the first time. Still use them, since they're comfy. And they don't smell too funny neither.
- A silver tank top. Usually I wear some kind of tank top to the gym, because I sweat real easy these days, and I can't wear a t-shirt since I'd be soo sweaty. And then I'd smell funny.
- My trusty bottle of Ed. It's an energy drink (hence the "ed"-name, clever huh?) and it comes in three flavors: regular, light and red berries. Yummy...  Wink
- Then of course there's the shaker. Can't leave home without one. Or two, depending on where you're going. They don't smell funny either, because I wash them.
- The training diary aka notebook. I've always kept a record of my workouts, so now I have records dating back to 1993, if you can believe that. And no, I haven't trained continuously since then, but still. A lot of workouts...

Anyway, that's what's in my gymbag! Cool

Now lessee who else dares spill his/her bag!  Grin

* Gymbag.jpg (118.45 KB, 450x325 - viewed 3963 times.)

Anything is possible, except maybe skiing through a revolving door.
Michael Amos
Staff  [Developer]
United States United States Male 34 posts
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2007, 07:33:12 pm »

I hope you don't mind, I posted my entry at my home blog:

The pictures on Flickr as well:
Mike Warner
Registered member
United States United States Male 1 posts
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2007, 01:33:33 pm »

What's in my gym bag?  Well, I usually have my shoes, my training log with chicken-scratchings in it, an allen wrench to tighten the dumbells that won't tighten all the way by hand, my own clamps (my gym only has 2 pair), elbow and wrist wraps, chalk, an anatomy book (new this month - makes me look smart  Grin), some Tiger Balm, and whatever else falls into it of of my dresser in the AM. 

Although not in there now or in there intentionally back then, but one time there was a pair of my wife's underwear in the leg of my sweats.  I didn't notice that they were hangin out by my shoe, but my friends did.  At least they were black and not bright pink or something.


* gymBag2.jpg (43.84 KB, 400x300 - viewed 3872 times.)
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