So here's what's in my bag o'goodies.

- My shoes; a pair of oooold Otomix gym shoes. They work, don't smell too horrendous and their still in good shape.
- My shorts of Virtualmeet fame. Yes, the same one's I had on the first time. Still use them, since they're comfy. And they don't smell too funny neither.
- A silver tank top. Usually I wear some kind of tank top to the gym, because I sweat real easy these days, and I can't wear a t-shirt since I'd be soo sweaty. And then I'd smell funny.
- My trusty bottle of Ed. It's an energy drink (hence the "ed"-name, clever huh?) and it comes in three flavors: regular, light and red berries. Yummy...

- Then of course there's the shaker. Can't leave home without one. Or two, depending on where you're going. They don't smell funny either, because I wash them.
- The training diary aka notebook. I've always kept a record of my workouts, so now I have records dating back to 1993, if you can believe that. And no, I haven't trained continuously since then, but still. A lot of workouts...
Anyway, that's what's in my gymbag!

Now lessee who else dares spill his/her bag!