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Would you all take a look at my squat please?
(Read 12072 times)
Michael Amos
Staff  [Developer]
United States United States Male 34 posts
« on: March 29, 2008, 01:16:21 am »

I posted a video on youtube. I was oping some of you would give me a red or white light judgment. A couple, I think, are good and a couple are bad and a couple are in the middle.
Matt Reed
United States United States Male 251 posts
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2008, 02:43:42 am »

I tried stopping the video of each lift as you hit parallel, but because my computer is slow at pausing.... well it was difficult to tell. Shocked

Anyway, it appears that you may be a tad above hitting parallel. Maybe an inch or so.  I think your second squat of 365 was probably the closest though.  It may be better to have a front angle shot.

So, here is my scoring:
315 ---> red
315 ---> red
315 ---> red

365 ---> red
365 ---> white

All of them seem to be very close to depth.  I also must say that you judges have one tough job going through all those clips, so a big thanks for that.
Hopefully some others will chime in and give their opinions on the depth, just in case my scoring is bad  Grin (which is a good possibility).
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2008, 02:50:08 pm »

I have not judged before but I have to agree with what Matt said, but would actually red light all.
Have you tried squatting in weight lifting shoes? Like Adidas Ironworks or such? These helped me a lot with stability and going deeper.
What kind of depth were you going for? Parallel or IPF depth?
Kristoffer Lindqvist
Staff  [Project Manager, Developer, Moderator, Swedish Translator]
Finland Finland Male 1178 posts
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2008, 09:35:10 pm »

I'd also red light the lot if you are shooting for IPF depth.

I've found the below article extremely helpful, especially it's emphasis on the risks of squatting just at the mark. Convincingly hitting depth may cut a bit off the squat, but my opinion is that one should always aim at going below, not just to, legal depth. Based on this school of thought, a squat attempt that leads to discussions on depth just was not deep enough, regardless of whether it was actually passed or not. Judges are just human and leaving them doubting is risky. Wink

Very impressive squat form, I'd kill for that.
Michael Amos
Staff  [Developer]
United States United States Male 34 posts
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2008, 02:41:43 pm »

Thanks for taking a look guys. I went back and rewatched with an eye towards Kris's article and have to say Red on all of them.
I have tried using Oly shoes but, I have found myself in a place where I haven't squatted heavy in months and months and am still wrapping up recovery from a hip injury. I'm basically starting from scratch on my technique. So for the next month or two, while trying to raise my squat, I will also be trying to find the right position for me.
I'll give Oly shoed squatting a test run on Wednesday when I work my cleans again.
Based on the video and feedback, I think I know the feel I need to go for to hit the right depth. unfortunately when I have tried to gather feedback in the gym, everything is a white light, so I appreciate a more critical audience.
Walter Kurda
Germany Germany Male 12 posts
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2009, 09:35:28 am »

hi friend,

sorry, but i think, in a competition there will be only red lamps. do it deeper with 10 kg less. i think, you are strong enough, but you have to train the deeper squat. Grin
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