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Christian Burger: Military Bench Meet, Nov 23rd - 25th
(Read 60322 times)
Matt Reed
United States United States Male 251 posts
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2007, 03:03:19 pm »

Here is a good list of a bunch of different programs

The Russian program I was running is the 9 week three lift one.  There are a lot of good programs listed there, so have fun.  Maybe I should make a thread in the powerlifting talk section and post it there for others. mochi over there on did a really good job at putting all that together.

The program I ran didn't have any assistance stuff listed so I just went by feel after the main lifts.

And since I'm here, nice lifting Smiley
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2007, 10:05:42 am »

Thanks. Yes, maybe it is a good idea to collect the experiences with the different programs together with links to them in a new thread.

Here's what I did today:
Broad Jumps:
1st round
185cm x 3
First time to try those. I did them out of a deep squat position.
Reverse Lunge Front Leg on 2 plates (7cm):
6 x 3 @ 60 kg
BB Hack Squat:
10 x 3 @ 92.5kg (my son insisted to add the 2 1,25kg plates )
Ab circuit
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2007, 12:38:11 pm »

RE Bench 6.11.2007
Military Bench Press
15 x 1 @ 80 kg
8 x 2 @ 82,5 kg
Chin Up
8 x 1 @ BW + 5 kg
6 x 2 @ BW + 5 kg
supersetted with
Seated DB Power Cleans
10 x 3 @ 30 kg (15 kg DBs)
DB Military Press 10 x 3 @ 40 kg (20kg DBs)
Behind the back BB shrug
10 x 3 @ 110 kg
DB Triceps extension
10 x 3 @ 30 kg (15 kg DBs)
BB Holds (5 sec)
2 x 1 @ 150 kg
2 x 1 @ 200 kg
1 x 1 @ 240 kg
Anybody knows how long these holds should be? I estimated that a typical deadlift should take about 5 sec, so I took this as a goal.

ME Squat / DL 7.11.2007
Box Squat (13" box):
Worked up to 1 x 1 @ 170 kg (It seems that WS4SB is starting to pay off, since this is what I free squatted in the September meet.)
Went for 180 kg and failed. Then tried 190 kg free but I was too tired. Walk out with 240 kg and called it quits for squat today.
Step Up:
6 x 1 @ 60 kg
6 x 1 @ 80 kg
3 x 1 @ 90 kg
Good Mornings:
6 x 1 @ 80 kg
5 x 1 @ 80 kg
4 x 1 @ 80 kg
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2007, 12:27:08 pm »

Reality check yesterday, I went to train at a gym of a local powerlifting club. Hmm. That pause on the chest during bench press can be really long under direct supervision by an experienced coach ;-)
As it looks now I want to go there to work out once every week, to work on technique and get ready for a competition next spring.
ME Bench - 9.11.2007
worked up to 120 did 2 reps and then 2 times 1 rep with correct pausing. Tried 130 but it was not paused enough and lock out uneven.
DB Bench Press (not paused, I should do that though next time):
12 x 1 @ 84 kg (the nice thing about training in a gym is that there are more DBs than at home)
4 x 1 @ 92 kg (2 x 46s DBs)
3 x 1 @ 96 then rightaway 3 x 1 @ 72 kg and finally 4 x 1 @ 40 kg
Superset Chest supported row
10 x 3 @ 60 kg
with Rear Delt flies
10 x 3 @ 10 kg
Superset 1 arm DL
6 x 3 @ 60 kg
with DB Curls
6 x 3 @ 20 kg

DE Squat / DL - 11.11.2007
Sumo Speed Pulls from floor
3 x 5 @ 120 kg
Bulgarian Split Squat front leg elevated (2 20 kg plates)
15 x 1 @ 15 kg DB in Front
12 x 1 @ 15 kg
6 x 1 @ 15 kg
BB Hack Squat
6 x 1 @ 100 kg
4 x 1 @ 100 kg
4 x 1 @ 100 kg
Ab work
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #19 on: November 14, 2007, 12:13:41 pm »

RE Bench
Bench Press (paused):
14 x 1 @ 70 kg
10 x 1 @ 70 kg
8 x 1 @ 70 kg
Superset Chin Up
9 x 1 @ BW + 5kg
7 x 1 @ BW + 5kg
3 x 1 @ BW + 5kg
with Seated DB Power Cleans
10 x 1 @ 30 kg
8 x 1 @ 35 kg
6 x 1 @ 35 kg
DB Side Raise
10 x 3 @ 30kg
Behind the Back Shrugs
10 x 3 @ 110 kg
BB Push Up
20 x 3 @ BW

ME Squat / DL:
I went to the powerlifting club to have my sumo DL form checked. I was using the back much too much. I think there is nothing better than having an expert checking your form and giving you tips. I found this a extremely valuable investment of time. So I have a lot to work on.
Worked up to 200 when my newly learned technique fell apart again. So went back down to 160 kg
Bulgarian Split Squats
10 x 3
Pull Throughs
10 x 3
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2007, 08:25:14 am »

After my last training session I pondered over which changes to make to the program to get more chance to work on technique on the 3 lifts.
So I switched to the 9 week Russian program from which essentially is just the 3 lifts with optional assistance work. 
Back Squat: 2 x 6 @ 150 kg
BB Bench Press (paused): 3 x 6 @ 105 kg
Front Squat: 2 x 3 @ 60 kg (just to work on technique again)
External Rotation: 20 x 3 @ 10 kg
The next day I felt sore everywhere.
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2007, 12:52:03 pm »

Deadlift workout today:

Sumo DL:
3 x 6 @ 175 kg (These were all paused so to get as many "first" reps as possible. The last ones were quite hard.) On the program layout I see 6 x 6 @ 175 3 weeks from now. That will be interesting.

Kristoffer Lindqvist
Staff  [Project Manager, Developer, Moderator, Swedish Translator]
Finland Finland Male 1178 posts
« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2007, 10:19:04 pm »

So I switched to the 9 week Russian program from which essentially is just the 3 lifts with optional assistance work.

I love that program! It's hard work (especially if you put in numbers slightly above your true current max...), but it taught me that I can sustain a lot more volume than I previously thought... and actually thrive on it. Just watch out for signs of overuse, especially in your hip region (as you squat wide and also sumo deadlift - I killed my hips with this combination for the February 2007 meet and it took me nearly half a year to heal up). I will be following your training with close interest, also saw that Matt got through his cycle with very nice results.

If you haven't seen it, you may be interested in this excellent article on the variants of this Russian Routine.

On the program layout I see 6 x 6 @ 175 3 weeks from now. That will be interesting.

Indeed! This week always looks harsh when you are beginning the program, but once you are at week 7 or so you will laugh at how easy that week actually was. Grin If my approximations are more or less correct, at week 4 (6x6) you should already have passed your 1RM.
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2007, 08:29:56 am »

Thanks for the articles and links. Checked Matt's progress. It is really impressive. 550 deadlift is quite something. Now I know what to shoot for ;-)
I hope I can stick to the template. I will travel to Florida next week, so this might throw me off a bit. Training under Jetlag can be challenging. I have already ordered bands and a foam roller which I will pick up there in order to avoid issues with the hips.
My immediate goal is to get my squat over 200 kg.
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2007, 08:51:05 am »

Back Squat:
3 x 4 @ 150 kg
2 x 3 @ 150 kg
6 sets are prescribed by the program, but on the last two I got only two reps. So I added another set of 2 to get the total amount of reps. I seem finally to get in the groove for squats and my technique is somewhat getting better. Leg wise there is no problem getting the weight up, but posture and flexibilty need big improvements.

Bench Press:
2 x 6 @ 105 kg (Last one military)
 no assistance work.

Matt Reed
United States United States Male 251 posts
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2007, 05:24:40 am »

Yes, I'm indeed in love with that program !!!  And to think I only ran it for 7 weeks.  I'm running it again as we speak.  I think I'm gonna move my journal over here, just not sure what to title my thread.

For me, the 6x6 wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  It's the stuff after that , when you start increasing the percentages, is when it starts getting tougher.

I think you'll have awesome results.  Good Luck Smiley
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2007, 07:56:00 am »

Thanks for the feedback Matt. This programm strikes a real good balance. Although a russian program the volume is not outrageous and the focus is on the three lifts.
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2007, 05:41:27 pm »

Trained  this evening again with the powerlifting club and we decided that I change from back to front squat for the next month in order to correct posture and technique and not the least depth and stance.

Front Squat:
5 x 6 @ 70 kg pretty much ATG
BB Bench Press: with some tips from the trainer I really improved my foot placement and got the flaring of the elbows under control
4 x 6 @ 105 kg although the military bench meeting was today, they still came out good
External rotation:
15 x 3 @ 2 x 7kg DBs
Kristoffer Lindqvist
Staff  [Project Manager, Developer, Moderator, Swedish Translator]
Finland Finland Male 1178 posts
« Reply #28 on: November 25, 2007, 11:00:50 pm »

6 sets are prescribed by the program, but on the last two I got only two reps.

Are you planning on lowering the squat weight or going to try to push through? This routine is quite unforgiving, personally I've learned the hard way that if I fail a set I cannot come back to fix it later... the going gets tougher each week and if I can't make now I won't make it later. Ditto if I miss one of the heavy workouts. But people are different, so don't take this as any sort of advice. But if you do push on, I will be very interested in seeing what happens. Cheesy

I'm willing to bet that you'll be setting some nice PRs whatever you do, starting to work with a powerlifting coach sounds like a very smart move too.

I think I'm gonna move my journal over here, just not sure what to title my thread.

Matt, an excellent choice! If you are planning on doing the March meet, you could title it based on that. I'm also considering starting up a journal for that meet, just not sure whether that is such a good idea considering how constrained my time already is post-baby...

For me, the 6x6 wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  It's the stuff after that , when you start increasing the percentages, is when it starts getting tougher.

Agreed. Every week after that you look back and laugh at how easy last week was in comparison with this one. Every week is tough, but somehow you keep getting stronger and getting through them. I've never done a routine that gives me such a strong mental "you can do it" boost as this one. Man against the elements and so on... Really interested in seeing what happens when you cycle it back to back.

I think you'll have awesome results.  Good Luck Smiley

Couldn't second that any stronger, this routine cannot fail. Grin
Christian Burger
Staff  [Moderator, German Translator]
Austria Austria Male 598 posts
« Reply #29 on: November 29, 2007, 02:20:34 am »

6 sets are prescribed by the program, but on the last two I got only two reps.

Are you planning on lowering the squat weight or going to try to push through? This routine is quite unforgiving, personally I've learned the hard way that if I fail a set I cannot come back to fix it later... the going gets tougher each week and if I can't make now I won't make it later. Ditto if I miss one of the heavy workouts. But people are different, so don't take this as any sort of advice. But if you do push on, I will be very interested in seeing what happens. Cheesy

What happened was that I hurt my back because I sacrificed my form Sad. So I resumed training only today and my back pain prevented me from doing too much. I got what I deserved so I learn from this and will work on my form even more.

I'm willing to bet that you'll be setting some nice PRs whatever you do, starting to work with a powerlifting coach sounds like a very smart move too.
Thanks. I will give it my best.

Sumo DL today:
3 x 2 @ ~175 kg
1 x 2 @ ~175 kg back would give me problems and I stopped with DL
Chin Ups
6 x3 @ BW
Calve Raises Seated
20 x 3 @ 90 pounds
Hanging Leg Raises
10 x 3
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