I have to revamp/reconsider what I'm doing here (my training). After those 6 sets of 4 on the deads my lower back has had a constant pump feeling and my squats feel heavier than ever, bench still feels good though. Probably my fault though as I started with actual gym PR's, which I know better than to do

I hate to just stop this program altogether as I really like this one, but I need to do something.
I was thinking of maybe just backing off the deads, lower the sets and/or reps or having 2 squat days and throwing dead work on one of the squat days, keeping the same progression with squats and bench that this program suggests.
Or maybe I should ditch this, have a day for squatting, 2 days for benching, and a day for deadlifting.
Something has to give before my lower back does and I'm out for weeks......hmmmmm.
Right now I've just reset my #'s and started out on week 6, since I only have about 4 weeks of training left until the meet. I may just tough this out until after the meet, base my next cycle of this program off my meet maxes and go from there.
Sorry, this post is just a bunch of rambling.